“A miracle is when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”
Frederick Buechner
A jigsaw has any number of pieces in it. Some one hundred, some five hundred, and my favourites, one thousand pieces plus.
Each piece is different – patterns, colours, lines, cut. Some are short and pointy, others are long and indented. Some seem strange and like they wouldn’t fit anywhere.
Others are the perfect picture of symmetry… each piece is stunning and unique.
But its uniqueness is far from unique.
You don’t ever hear a jigsaw piece put itself above the others… declaring that its originality is more original, more unique, than the rest. A jigsaw knows that while its pieces are beautiful, they are incomplete until they come together. Until they figure out how they fit. Until the have fulfilled their greater purpose.
Frederick Buechner said:
“A miracle is when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. A miracle is when one plus one equals a thousand.”
You are unique, but your uniqueness is not strange or rare or astonishing. It is as common and normal as your neighbour's. When we can get over that fact, and piece our lives together, we too, like the humble jigsaw, will discover that the community, the whole, is greater the sum of its parts. That when we choose to love, one plus one always equals a thousand.
“When we choose to love, one plus one always equals a thousand.”
Powerful, two minute reads that have helped change the script in thousands of people's lives.
Otherwise, we run the risk of being that lost piece, still unique, still beautiful, but disconnected from our fellows. Or worse: we run the risk of pushing others off the table. Those whom we can’t imagine fit with their weird edges and strange indents, but who, we find, leave a whole that may as well be as big as the earth. Because as all jigsaw enthusiasts know, there is nothing worse than coming to end of a puzzle and discover that you are missing a piece.
Written by Liz Milani
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