Start over with me, and create a new, clean heart within me. Psalm 51:10 (TPT)

Creative Type – Creativity Series – Part 1

Go to  PART 1  |  PART 2  |  PART 3  | PART 4  |  PART 5  |  PART 6  |  PART 7

I was out to dinner the other night with my friends, and we started to talk about creativity. My friend Sarah, who is an incredible singer-songwriter, was saying that it frustrates her that people typify “creatives.” And it’s true. She is a very creative woman, but she doesn’t fit the typical creative mould. But I do. I almost embody it (ha!).

You may identify as being a creative person. Maybe you write poetry or short stories, paint or draw, dance or sculpt. There are many different mediums for us “creative” types to give our lives to. Then, some of you, don’t relate to being creative at all.

It’s funny how creativity has become something we box. We try to put it in its place, assign it a personality, and leave it there to do what we think it should do.

What about God? Does he have a creative personality? What is his creative process? Does he fit the creative mould, or does he defy the typical?

“Of course, he defies the typical,” I hear you say. We know WHAT to say when we’re talking about God, but what about when we’re living every day, with our bills and our emails and school work and work and careers and relationships – all of it. In the middle of life's chaos, the good and the bad, what kind of creativity do we believe God has? And how does that affect us?

It’s probably an understatement to say that David (of the Old Testament) was going through a rough patch. He’d been king for a while, faced many foes and challenges, but this time, he had done something horrific. He had fallen in love with another man's wife and had arranged the death of said other man so that he could secure his wife as his own. The prophet Nathan had confronted him with it, and afterwards David wrote the poem, Psalm 51.

Verse 10 says, “Start over with me, and create a new, clean heart within me. Fill me with pure thoughts and holy desires, ready to please you. May there never be even a shadow of darkness between us! May you never deprive me of your Sacred Spirit! Let my passion for life be restored, tasting joy in every breakthrough you bring to me. Give me more of your Holy Spirit-Wind so that I may stand strong and true to you!”

This is one of those lines in the bible that timelessly reflects the condition of the human heart. The ache to be made new, to start again, clean slate. We're thirsty for re-birth.

I remember holding my firstborn son only hours after he was pulled from my body and thinking how brand new he was and how I didn’t want to stuff him up. The responsibility of parenthood sat heavily on my shoulders. I can never put him back. I can never take anything that happens to him back. Six years on, to be honest, there are moments that I wish I could re-create something new within him; a new memory to replace the old one. For my life, I wish I could un-know and un-experience things, and vice verse. There are some things I wish I had known all along.

And although I have not ever fallen in love with another woman’s husband and killed the woman so I could marry her man, I know how David feels. I too have cried out,


What about you?

But what do we believe about creativity? Does it live in a box, applicable to some and not others? Is God still creating? Does he really make all things new?

And if yes, why, at times, do I still feel so used up?

The tension between the masterpiece and the unfinished work, the canvas and the paint, the half-filled page and the pen, the creator and the created, is alive and well.

The creator keeps going, his creativity sparking all around us if only we would open our eyes and see. Click to Tweet

OVER TO YOU… leave us a comment below!

Go to Part 2 – New Creation »

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