Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Col 3:12 (NIV)

When you reach higher ranks of royalty, or position in a company, or law enforcement, etc. it usually means you get more authoritative powers given to you: maybe it means you can make decisions on behalf of others, or you can judge whether something is right or wrong, or you can enforce laws more sternly… whatever it is, it seems that the higher the position, the greater the power.

Not that there are ‘positions’ or that there is a ‘ladder to climb’ in the Kingdom (absolutely not), but one could assume that once we become ‘children of God, joint-heirs with Christ, part of the Kingdom of God’ that the same attainment to authority may be awarded us. Some of us take it that way… it can be tempting to fall into a kind of ‘Christianity’ where we judge right from wrong in the lives of others and point out ‘sins’ and lifestyles that aren’t ‘up to scratch’… We can easily live from a moral high ground from which we wield our religious pointed finger.

But it’s quite the opposite with Jesus. As God’s CHOSEN people, His CHILDREN, HOLY AND LOVED, we are given the authority not to exercise more judgement or draw lines in the sand, but rather to show compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, love and hope towards one another. We’re not just meant to ‘wield’ these things or use them as a tool, but as part of the family of God, we clothe ourselves in them. It’s like wearing a particular brand or colour of clothing… soon enough people will begin to recognise you for what you wear, what you shoulder, how you ‘look’ in a spiritual sense.

Our ‘position’ as Christians should never cause us to think we are elevated above anyone else, but rather it awakens within us the ability to come underneath to support, help and shoulder the burden of others… bring hope in heartache, peace in fear, family in loneliness, and ultimately the life giving power of God to a hungry and thirsty world.

When you get up in the morning and you’re wondering what to wear, consider your heart also… Choose to clothe yourself in the things that make a difference. Have the best day.

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